My amazing husband surprised me with a super nice camera this morning (he and my parents and grandparents were in cahoots - thanks so much, everyone!!), so I had the perfect tool to document all of the fun I had today! Here goes:
These were the little tags I attached to some of the activities. |
1. I dropped cookies off to my favorite across-the-street neighbor, Gary, and brought his newspaper to the porch out of the (threatening) rain.
2. and 3. We have new neighbors a few doors down on both sides of us who have recently moved in, so I went to introduce myself and drop off cookies. Nobody was home, so I didn't get to meet them face to face, but I did leave the cookies and a note welcoming them to the 'hood. (Incidentally, I got home a few hours later and one of the neighbors taped the sweetest thank you note to our front door! So much love in my neighborhood) :)
4. Per the aforementioned blogger's idea, I left a thank you note and some cookies in the mailbox. Reverse mail! So fun!
5. We have a (random) cemetery in the middle of our neighborhood, that seems to catch a lot of trash. I went and cleaned it up, and played around with my new (camera) toy.
6. Near the cemetery are the mailboxes for those who live in the duplexes. I have seen "Take What You Need" signs before, and thought it might be a nice place to hang one.
7. I have been avoiding a certain part of the sidewalk in our neighborhood for weeks because there was broken glass all over it. Today, I dug around my house for our little broom and dustpan, and went to work. No more glass, and no more worrying about puppy paws getting cut up!
Just in case you aren't familiar with broken glass. This is what it looks like. |
8., 9., 10., and 11. I made doggie treats, using the recipe I found here. Mabel and Murphy gobbled them up, so I can only assume their friends that I dropped them off to (Katie & Melody, Tucker, Lucy, and Kona & Dublin) will enjoy them as well. Unfortunately, I didn't have any cute dog bone cookie cutters, so I went with stars.
12. Next, it was time to venture beyond the house and neighborhood. I went to the nearest grocery store and taped a $5 bill on a big box of diapers...who needs cash more than someone with a baby in diapers?
13. and 14. This was another idea stolen from the first blog I mentioned...I took dollar bills and taped them to toys at the dollar store. I creeped around for a bit to see if anyone found the dollars, but then I just felt weird. I decided to just imagine how exciting it would be for a kid to find it, and moved on.
15. One of the inexpensive grocery stores we go to is Aldi - you have to put a quarter in the cart in order to unlock it, and then you get your quarter back after you return the cart. Before I became a seasoned Aldi-er, there were many times that I would neglect to bring a quarter (or an extra bag) with me, and would awkwardly walk around the store attempting to juggle 15 different grocery items. So, for this random act, I taped a few quarters to the carts.
16. and 17. I wrote a few notes to some people I dearly love, so that they got some good old-fashioned snail mail, AND so they knew how I felt about them. (I think I could have written about 100 more notes to all of the amazing people in my life, but we'll save that task for another day, and another blog post).
18. I dropped off cookies to my girlfriend who just had the most adorable little baby girl. We chatted for a while (with her mom and sister, too!) and I took some pictures of sweet Abigail (I think I was the one who benefited the most from this stop, though!) :)
Raise your hand if you're the cutest thing on the planet! |
19. I got to have lunch with my dear friend (who made the neatest present for me!) and gave her a bag of cookies, complete with a blue ribbon (she's having a little boy this fall).
20. I stopped by and picked up a bouquet of flowers, and went by the nursing home to spread a little cheer. I walked in and asked one of the medical assistants who she thought needed flowers the most. After deliberating with a co-worker, they decided on a "Miss Verma." I tracked her down in the common room and gave them to her, she was a sweet nearly toothless lady in a rocking chair, who thought they were "just beautiful" and was tickled to hear they were for her. After that, the medical assistant helped me track down a "vase" (aka styrofoam cup) and put them in her room. I chatted with a few more residents, and before I left, the medical assistant stopped me and (smiling) asked, "Um, Miss, who are you with? Who are you representing?" I explained to her my little project, and although I think she thought I was a little crazy, she just gave me the most genuine smile and wished me a good day.
21. and 22. I cleaned out our shelves and dropped off some food to the local food pantry. I also gave the workers a bag of cookies to thank them for all of their service. (This might actually count as a third random act towards my husband...I actually did a little cleaning around the house!!) :)
23. and 24. I wrote a letter to the animal shelter employees, thanking them for their dedication and telling them how much we love Murphy, our pup we adopted from them. I also picked up a bag of dog food to donate to the doggies that are staying there.
25. I donated to the Children's Miracle Network at a little collection site at the grocery store.
26. This idea is from one of my new favorite blogs, This amazing blogger (who one of my very good friends is neighbors and friends with!!) does so many great things, and makes me so excited to have children to involve in these sorts of activities. I went to the library equipped with sticky notes and a pen, and left notes of encouragement in a few different books. This was SO much fun, and I kind of want to do it regularly.
And, last but not least, 27!! The 27th was another idea from one of kindnessgirl's websites, There is a number on her website you can text, and you'll get an assignment back to do a "guerrilla act" of goodness. Mine was to write messages on sticky notes and post them on mirrors around the community. This is another thing I will do frequently.
I also tried to have an attitude of total kindness all day long, smiling and saying hello to everyone who passed, holding doors open for people, and being a calm and courteous driver (as if I'm not already?!). We had a get-together that night at a local wine bar with 16 of my closest friends, who once again proved to me that I am so spoiled and loved, and made me want to go out and do another 100 acts of kindness to bless others as I have been blessed. Thank you to everyone who was part of my day!
Oh, I love my husband! (also, my fabulous in-laws sent me that scarf for my birthday! I love it!) |
Me with three gorgeous party guests. |
My girlfriend Melissa is the most talented baker, who made me this chocolate peanut butter heaven cake - all gluten free!! |
Baby Abigail even came out for a bit to celebrate!! So many thanks to her mommy and daddy! |
This was SUCH an amazing day! This will definitely become a new tradition for my birthday...I'm already planning for next year :) Feel free to leave any suggestions or ideas for other acts of kindness, I would appreciate it. Have a LOVELY day!