Squeezing joy out of everyday life.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

What's Your Sign?

The comedian Bill Engvall (name drop alert: I totally met him at a charity golf outing a few years back, he's actually very nice) has a tagline that he often uses in his routine where he says, “Here’s your sign.”

I can't explain the look on his face, but that is definitely Bill Engvall.
He usually (read: always) means this in a not-so-complimentary (but usually funny) way, as in people should be handed signs when they do something stupid. I, however, would like to take a little bit of a different approach to the whole sign situation.

A sign of awesomeness.
I tend to lean towards the “life is magical” end of conceptualizing the world, and with that mindset comes a tendency to look for, well, magical things.  The best of these little reminders that magic does exist tend to come in quirky, silly ways. Let me tell you about a few that come to mind:

The man that bought my parent’s last house had a thing for Rod Stewart songs (I also have a nerdy love for Mr. Stewart) . As it turns out, after he and his wife walked out of their first look at the house, they got in the car and a Rod Stewart song was playing on the radio. At that moment he knew that my parent's house was the house for them.

On a similar note, a girlfriend of mine told me the other day that on her first date with her now-husband, her go-to “I’m on the right track” song started playing, despite the fact that the genre of the song was not at all congruent with the music usually played at their date venue. She knew right away that it meant something great was in store for their relationship.
Obviously, the story of how I met my husband (just in case you missed it) was full of signs that we were meant to be together…but you’ve already heard that story. However, when I first met my husband, my dog Mabel was spending the summer with my parents until I could sell my condo. Because of this, Greg and I had dated for several months before he had ever met her. Now, my sweet little pup had developed a certain (and dramatic)...let’s say…aversion…to men (with very few exceptions). I hadn’t mentioned this to Greg, and though my parents and I never mentioned it to each other, we were all anxiously awaiting to see her reaction to him. When Greg walked through the front door, Mabel went right up to him, nuzzled, and they were instant best friends. To this day, they are inseparable. Another sign!

Man and dog. I sometimes get a little jealous of their relationship.
A few weeks ago I was talking to someone who had recently lost his mother. He told me a story of how she would always give him a $20 bill when they saw each other, even if she couldn’t afford it or if he didn’t really need it. One day, as he was thinking of her, he opened up his wallet and tucked in it was (you guessed it!) a $20 bill.   That, along with a few other similar signs, gave him the peace he needed to know that she was still very much with him.
I was shopping the other day and had a random thought about a family member who passed away years ago. I left the changing room I was in, picked out more clothes, and returned to the (very same) changing room a few minutes later. As I opened the door to hang up my potential purchases, I looked down to see a penny on the floor, dated with the year of his birth. Bam. Sign.  

A sign that our Chinese food was only the start of a great evening.
Some of you naysayers might be thinking, “But Christine, those are just all coincidences…those things could just happen to anybody at any time, no big deal.” My response to you would be: you are absolutely right. Songs play on the radio, dogs like some people and not others, we all find money stuffed away in different places at one time or the other. Pennies fall out of pockets every day.  

However…what if there’s more to it?

What if these silly little things really are signs, designed to encourage us and show us that we’re doing the right thing, on the right path? I know that for me, life is much more enjoyable when I decide to see things as signs instead of just coincidences. Things seem more special, more magical, and give me a sense of peace that I'm right where I'm supposed to be.
Now, a special task for my readers - I want to hear about the signs that you've been given - post a comment below about any of your own experiences or stories. I am so excited to hear about the magic you've experienced in your life :)

Have a wonderful day!


  1. I once met a woman at a rest area. Now, I hadn't dated in a couple years, and hadn't met anyone in that time that I deemed "special." I was getting frustrated, and turned to a raunchy "how to pick up girls" book. The one thing I learned was that I needed to just forget about my insecurities and go for it... just to try it once or twice and see how things turned out. Then I locked my keys in my car. At a rest area. An hour away from anyone I knew. And then she parked one spot away from me. I was still that creepy guy standing next to his locked car. She went into the rest area, came back out, got in her car... and that was that. Except her car didn't start. And I had enough confidence to ask her if she needed help. And she was the most amazing woman I had ever met, or ever will meet. And she's my wife.

    1. I would like to point out that you were NEVER creepy, only the setting was ;) I love you so much, and fabulous example of a great sign!

  2. I promised you I would post, so here it is!!!
    I COMPLETELY agree with you that the signs I see throughout my life truly are signs there to encourage me and not just coincidences. I have been thinking about all the different signs I’ve been given in my life and the one that is most recent is Abigail. My grandma, who I was extremely close to, passed away on October 12th of this past year. She was the one person I wanted so badly to meet our baby whenever we got pregnant. So needless to say I was devastated when I got the phone call from my father that she passed away because we had just started trying to get pregnant a month or two before that. Chris and I weren’t telling anyone we were trying and I was mad at myself that I didn’t share it with her before she passed. About two weeks after the funeral I found out I was pregnant….meaning I would have conceived our now precious little girl right around October 11th-15th. As sad as I was that my grandma would not get to meet our baby, I knew she passed away when she did to help bring our little one into this world. My grandma had always told me I would have a little girl and I didn’t want to get myself worked up thinking that this little baby growing inside of me was a girl, because I would have been just as excited if it was a boy. But when we had the ultrasound and it was confirmed our little baby was a girl, I knew that was a blessing and a sign from my grandma. Now that our little Abigail Stella (Stella was my grandma’s middle name who she is named after) is finally here, it is crazy, because Chris and I both looked at her when she was born and agreed she makes faces that look just like my grandma. I like to think that whenever I catch those little glimpses of my grandma when I look at Abigail, that those are special signs from her that she is still here with me!

    1. Goosebumps AND tears!!! I love this, thank you so much for sharing (and thank you so much for bringing such an adorable little one into the world...and thanks Grandma Stella for your help in the process!) :)

  3. I totally agree with this idea. The day my mom passed away, I discovered a huge sign, one that helped me cope with the worst day of my life. Here is part of what I read at her memorial on my "sign".

    "Mom, on the day you passed, we came home from the hospital and I noticed a small dark butterfly on the wall in the living room. It was clung to the wall with its wings spread open. I didn't think much of it at first. Hours passed and I noticed it was still there and I couldn't help but think, mom is here. The next morning I thought it flew away, but just found it in another room. This new friend of ours was here for a reason. Later that day I was looking through pictures you took on your phone and found some from a butterfly house you and dad visited on one of your vacations...a window cling butterfly in the kitchen...and several throughout the next few days as we took walks. I knew this meant something, and then it hit me - you were such a butterfly. Flitting around spreading joy and laughter everywhere you went. Giving giant hugs to everyone, flashing your toothy grin, and laughing your giant loud outside-voice laugh."

    This sign that was presented; whether by God, chance, luck, coincidence, or fate, will help carry on my mother's "social butterfly" personality and memory. Everyone who was at her memorial that day, anyone who hears this story, and anyone who sees mine and my sisters small butterfly tattoo on the inside of our arms will know our mom/wife/grandma has touched several lives and will never be forgotten.

    Signs have also helped me feel like I am on the right path in my life and this sign has given me comfort and hope to carry on, knowing my mom's spirit, love and energy surround us daily.


    1. I found this today on black butterflies, which is the color of the one found in the house that morning...just had to share!

      Symbolism and Meaning of Black Butterfly
      ✦ Metamorphosis: In many cultures, it is believed that black butterflies are the symbol of transition, renewal or rebirth. It is also believed that black butterflies could be a symbol of rebirth of something or people. They are also symbolized for longevity and shift in the power. In short, black butterflies are supposed to be the sign of positive change in the present situation.
      ✦ Death Warning: In various parts of the world including Central America, Philippines, China, black butterflies are considered as a symbol of death. Hence, according to these people, a black butterfly or moth in the house is the warning of death of a member of the house. They also appear in the house when someone in the house has already died.

    2. Ashley, thank you so much for sharing - your story is so beautiful, and another great example of signs. I immediately thought of something my sister-in-law told me probably a few years ago?? We were out on our back deck and she (who is half-Japanese) saw a butterfly and explained that in Japan, butterflies are believed to be the soul of a loved one coming to say hello. I don't doubt for a second that your mom is not that far away, and she sends these little messages to you as a reminder :) Love you!!! (by the way, tonight, I saw a beautiful lemony yellow butterfly flying around our neighborhood and immediately thought of your mom) :)
