Squeezing joy out of everyday life.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hopping (or delicately stepping?) on the Bandwagon

It seems these days that everyone (EVERYONE) is writing a blog. This works well for me; I have a long history of being (a little too) nosy, and having access to the inner thoughts and experiences of strangers is the equivalent of, well, something really awesome.

Ironically, hearing the inner thoughts and experiences of (near) strangers is part of my livelihood (I'm an individual, couple and family therapist, among other things), and it never does get old. The unique beauty of reading blogs is being able to be a part of these stories, without the responsibility of helping the storyteller make sense of them. As I have come to a point in my life where I am working to build and enrich my own story, I have decided to get it out for the benefit of others out there like me, who are a bit too nosy for their own good, and either a) have too much time on their hands, or (probably more likely) b) are procrastinating from something.

I held off on blogging for a while because I didn't feel like I had a "schtick" - there are so many people with great blogs directed towards cooking, or fitness, or DIY fancifulness...how was I to present myself? What could I give the world? For some reason, sometime between when I woke up yesterday morning, and about twenty minutes ago, I decided that my transparent-humanness (and ability to make up words, apparently) is my schtick. Also, I should be working on my dissertation, and was in need of a (long-term) distraction from productivity.

Blogging really is the gift that keeps on giving. 

Anyways, a brief introduction of things that will probably come up in my pursuit of transparent-humanness: I am a doctoral student in Medical Family Therapy (a program that has brought together my passion of stories with my fascination of the human body), and I am in my last year (which brings with it an entire set of blog posts in itself; I have been labeled as a student for so long I can only figure I will go into retirement post-graduation). I am a native Michigander who has been transplanted to the south (and loving every hot, sunny, drawl-y minute of it), and part of my day is spent remembering to say soda instead of pop, and trying to find a balance between "ya'll" and "you guys". I am married to my bestest friend in the world, who happens to cut people (legally) for a living as a general surgery resident.  The life of a surgeon's wife comes with an additional level of excitement and challenge, and will probably come up in this new little blog, too. We have two rescue mutts (pronounced "rez-cue-moots" please, it makes them feel more special) who entertain me daily, and I have secret aspirations (oops, not so secret anymore) of popping out a baby (or six) and turning this schtick-less blog into a platform for discussing my amazing (and prodigious) babies and my incredible, effortless success at being the perfect mother. 

My perfect angels, Mabel and Murphy. They take after their father.
I tend to be a little sarcastic. 

Anyway, there are so many areas of pure joy in my life, and part of my (real) purpose of blogging is to both share and hear stories of magic in everyday life, and to find a way to transform "regular" experiences into something fulfilling and entertaining (if only for myself).

If you took the time to read this post, thank you; if I aided you in your own procrastination, you're welcome. 

I will leave with a picture of my super-husband and yours truly on our one-year wedding anniversary (an idea stolen from Pinterest, which will be another theme in this theme-less blog), for those of you who like your blogs with a side of photos (I'm hoping the birthday fairy [aka super-husband] brings me a fancy camera [like this one if you're reading, Honey, Nikon D5100 16.2 Megapixel Digital SLR Camera With 18mm-55mm Lens - 25478] for my birthday next month to add pretty pictures to my new blogging habit). 

We met at a rest area (not to be confused with truck stop) in Indiana. More on that  craziness later.
Have a lovely sunshiny day! 


  1. Love it Christine!! And loving that I had a reason to relax and read this before going out and doing the things I have to do. You are a very engaging writer... can't wait to read more!

    1. Thank you, Dori!! I appreciate you taking the time to read :)

  2. Yayy!!! I'm so glad you decided to do this!! I really enjoyed reading this one and I can't wait to see what's next!! You are so multi-talented! ;) Good luck girl!!
